McDs worker

PHOTO: Max Jennings owns four properties. Picture: Supplied.

A young Australian who began working at McDonald’s at the age of 14 has shared his journey of advancement within the company, culminating in the acquisition of four properties.

Hailing from Adelaide, Max Jennings commenced his employment at the Noarlunga branch of McDonald’s in 2016 and set his sights on saving money. Fast forward seven years, just before turning 21, Jennings now possesses four properties, a remarkable accomplishment. He initiated his McDonald’s tenure as a crew member, diligently putting aside a portion of his earnings each year.

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“I committed myself to working after school, every weekend, and even on public holidays to maximize my savings. Collaborating with my mother, we devised a budget and savings target,” he conveyed to the Advertiser.

Throughout the course of six years, Jennings advanced twice within the company hierarchy, first as a shift manager and subsequently as a department manager. At the age of 18, he secured his inaugural home purchase. Presently, his holdings encompass two residential and two commercial properties in regional South Australia. These assets collectively cover his weekly living expenses, a milestone he aspired to achieve since acquiring his first property.

Jennings proffered several pieces of advice for young individuals keen on boosting their savings. He emphasized the importance of saving for one’s future self, suggesting the allocation of funds to a high-interest savings account, alongside maintaining a separate account for day-to-day expenditures. He cautioned against incurring non-profitable debt, emphasizing his personal principle of only investing in properties that generate positive cash flow.

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“When it comes to my real estate holdings, I’m selective, opting exclusively for ventures that bolster my finances. Leveraging should ideally augment income and net worth,” he expounded. “Seek out mentors and pose inquiries. Often, people are inclined to support the advancement of younger individuals, but pride can hinder us from seeking guidance.”

Jennings attested that myriad opportunities exist at McDonald’s, even for those commencing at entry-level roles such as cashiering or food preparation. Nonetheless, reaching higher echelons necessitates unwavering dedication.

“What captivates me most about McDonald’s are the avenues for professional growth,” he affirmed. “With determination and an appetite for success, substantial progress can be made within the organization; the primary impediment is oneself.”

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In his leisure time, the 20-year-old volunteers twice weekly at a senior care facility, engaging in activities like bingo and conversation with the elderly residents.

“I consider myself fortunate, and therefore, engaging in charitable work resonates with me,” he reflected. “Not many 20-year-olds can claim a 90-year-old friend. It’s a connection I deeply value.”


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