PHOTO: Well known real estate agent Hans Waldhoff will turn 80 years old on Monday 18th March. Picture: ROGER LOVELL Source: News Corp Australia

FROM engineering in Germany to selling homes in Hobart, Hans Waldhoff has enjoyed a wide, varied career — and he is far from done.

HOBART real estate expert Hans Waldhoff has just turned 80, but he is showing no sign of slowing down just yet.

Broach the subject of retirement with Hans and he will quickly laugh off the idea.

“Retirement? Why? When? I would miss this job too much,” he said.

“In this industry, unlike some others, you could work for as long as you like, and while I am fit and healthy I will keep selling homes.”

Born in Germany in 1939, Hans’ working life started out in structural engineering, concrete technology and building valuations.