

Why not join almost 600 other agents and business owners at ONE AGENCY, Australia and New Zealand’s fastest-growing real estate brand.  Enjoy all the major advantages of an established international brand under a simple Licence with low fixed costs and the freedom to do it your way. Even a shopfront is optional.

Wayne’s commercial life commenced in Christchurch where he specialised in insurance and later, mortgage finance, both of which eventually led him into property management and ownership of a very large rent roll.

Over time, connections with investors and developers led to involvement in the marketing of new rental properties, not only in Southland, but also in Christchurch, Hamilton and Nelson, where he and wife, Lorraine, now reside. Lorraine manages the administration side of the business.

Maintaining a focus on investment developments in each of those far flung markets, Wayne and Lorraine have now opened their One Agency business based from Richmond, where they will also develop a locally-focused real estate operation.

Call us today to kick-start your plan for the future.

*Subject to area availability.

Each office is independently owned and operated under licence from One Agency


John Stewart
T. +61 (02) 8039 2110
T. +61 (0) 432 655 698
One Agency
PO Box 569
Balgowlah 2093 NSW
T. +61 (02) 8039 2110