ANZ Property Focus

PHOTO: ANZ Property Focus

The COVID-19 crisis has seen trends in the housing market shift. There are offsetting forces, and the crosscurrents are highly uncertain. Currently, the market is supported – but this support may start to wane, particularly later this year.

Housing not immune to the downturn

Housing is a bellwether of the domestic economic cycle. Firm profits will be lower, partly reflecting a lack of international visitors and grim global outlook.

These factors will weigh on house prices, sales, home building and spending.


Iain Lees-Galloway

Dismissed MP Iain Lees-Galloway | Property Ownership


We are wary that a number of factors could weigh in time: a tip in the balance between demand and supply, rising unemployment, caution towards debt, and tighter credit conditions. We see house prices falling 5-10%, but the outlook is highly uncertain.

It will hinge on the global COVID-19 situation, economic conditions, migration flows, policy choices, and household attitudes.