PHOTO: Interior designer Chloe Matters

Interior designer Chloe Matters has doubled her money on a Bondi semi bought for $2.7m just two years ago — even allowing for her lavish renovation.

Her home at 30 Denham St has sold for a mind-blowing $6,225,000 — $3,525,000 more than she bought it for on October 4 2019 — and a new record price for a semi in Bondi.

Bondi house

Bondi house bought in 2019 for $6.3m sells for $11.235m

Even allowing for the renovation, which she says cost her about $720,000, she’s blown away with the result.

“I buy and flick homes so when I bought this property two years ago it was a gamble,” she says.

Matters spent $720,000 on the renovation — it would cost regular punters far more.

Matters spent $720,000 on the renovation — it would cost regular punters far more.

“Back then I paid $2.7m and I thought I might get $4m or $5m — never did I think I’d get $6.2m.

“It’s an amazing profit in that time.”

Having “totally gutted” the property, keeping just two of the original walls and replacing every surface along with the kitchen and bathrooms, she listed it quietly with Joshua Allen of JT Allen Real Estate.