
PHOTO: Real Estate Agent. FILE

Can someone’s job really influence how attractive they’re considered? According to research, it sure can.

Almost half of Aussies surveyed (42 per cent) think your profession reflects how attractive you are, and around one quarter (27 per cent) consider whether a particular job might add to their perceived attractiveness when applying for a new role.

Healthcare workers took out the number one spot for men and women, showing that COVID-19 has made us feverish for someone who can take care of us.

Nurses are at the top of the attractive ladder for almost one third (30 per cent) of Aussie men, and female doctors follow closely behind at fifth.

What’s up doc? When it comes to professions, there’s some that are more attractive

Men put models second on the list of most attractive professions, while flight attendants and teachers came equal third.

A third (27 per cent) of Aussie women put doctors at the top of their list, with the profession eliciting the thoughts of McDreamy and George Clooney with a stethoscope.

The stereotype of Aussie women loving a man in uniform was true in this survey, and more than two-thirds (70 per cent) prioritised them in the desirable jobs list.

What’s up doc? When it comes to professions, there’s some that are more attractive

However, the most attractive uniform was not the traditional police, firefighter or paramedic threads. Instead, the tradie uniform came in at number two on the list.

Rounding out the top five most attractive professions, according to women surveyed was a firefighter, engineer and lawyer.

What you do for a job is so important, that around two-thirds of people (59 per cent) admit they will ask potential partners on the first date what they do for a job.

And with the most attractive professions, come the least attractive.

Men said the least attractive professions for a woman were a truck driver, funeral director and exotic dancer.

What’s up doc? When it comes to professions, there’s some that are more attractive

Women had similar thoughts, and listed the same professions but in a slightly different order – exotic dancer, funeral director and truck driver.

And, they may run the country but politicians are way down the list for women and men, coming in at fourth and fifth least attractive professions respectively.

Real estate agents were also very low down list, with women ranking them at number seven, and men at number eight.

What’s up doc? When it comes to professions, there’s some that are more attractive

The research, conducted on behalf of dating website eharmony, revealed salaries are important in a potential love match.

While a third (34 per cent) said they don’t care what their potential partner earns, at least one in 10 (14 per cent) admit the lowest income that is acceptable for a potential partner would be $110,000.

This standard is significantly higher than the national median personal income of just under $42,000, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Census.