The Environment Court

PHOTO:GEOFF REID NZ/SUPPLIED The Environment Court quashed Okura Holdings Limited’s plans to build 1000 houses next to the Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve.

A developer that sought to build 1000 houses next to a marine sanctuary has been ordered to pay almost $300,000 in legal costs to the council, a community group and environmental NGO.

Despite being opposed to paying up, Okura Holdings Limited was ordered to pay a total of $291,000 – $200,000 to Auckland Council and $91,000 jointly to Forest and Bird and the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society.

It follows a lengthy court battle over the council’s decision not to move the Rural Urban Boundary north of Auckland back in 2016, which would have allowed the build to go ahead.

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In 2018, the Environment Court quashed the developer’s bid, concluding the Rural Urban Boundary should not be extended to incorporate the developer’s plans.