PHOTO: Comedy didn’t get Claire Hooper into property. Sibling rivalry did. Picture: Tony Gough

Claire Hooper got into the property market at just 25 — but it wasn’t finances that motivated her move.

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Claire Hooper is a comic and presenter. She will be reading children’s winning stories at the Fish Creek Children’s Festival of Stories.

First home

I bought my first home in Perth at 25 years old, motivated by the fact that my 19-year-old

brother had just bought his first place.

I was a struggling theatre maker; I had to move friends in and ultimately move myself back with my parents to meet the payments on that ugly, little three-bedroom house, which eventually sold for enough to buy my first place in Melbourne. Comedy didn’t buy my current home. Sibling rivalry did.

At home in Brunswick.

At home in Brunswick.

Current home

I certainly have an MO when it comes to property: ‘ugly’. We bought this bitzer of a place ten years ago for its potential and have so far allowed that potential to lay dormant. We love it though. It’s plastic weatherboard, full of cracks and poorly laid out – yuck – but it’s on nearly 600sq m in Brunswick – yum – so we haven’t once regretted stretching to afford it. We have finally engaged an architect to open the back up to the big yard so expect your invite round to the BBQ in approximately 2024.


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Dream home

This is the top conversation topic when I walk the dog with my husband. We imagine a home with access to parkland and close to the Merri Creek, but elevated enough not to be affected badly by rising sea levels. We also want a bunker full of tinned food, zombie proof windows, and a hidden stairway up to a roof garden and sentry point. It is possible we watch too many apocalypse movies.

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