New Plymouth


PHOTO: SIMON O’CONNOR/STUFF Roy and Marilynn Bridger are frustrated with the NPDC after nothing has been done to fix a non-compliant fence that blocks their view.

A couple who lost their breathtaking views of New Plymouth and its coastline when their neighbour erected a garden fence say they are still waiting for action from the district council.

Last October, Roy and Marilynn Bridger’s neighbour put up the 2.3-metre fence, which has taken $100,000 off the value of their Parris St home.

The couple made national headlines when they told their story on Stuff and TV’s Fair Go early last month.

They say the New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) has done nothing, even though it has determined the fence does not meet the District Plan. It is 30cm higher than a fence is supposed to be..