Corinna Mansell


PHOTO: MARK TAYLOR/STUFF The house at 2B Edgecumbe St in Hamilton, which remains empty.

A top real estate agent who sold her rental property to a Waikato pensioner without disclosing it had been a ‘leaky home’ has been banned from the industry for three months and fined $2500 for disgraceful conduct.

Corinna Mansell, who was general manager of the Remax chain, admitted the charge at a Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal hearing in Hamilton last month but her lawyer Matthew Ward-Johnson had argued she shouldn’t lose her real estate licence because of her guilty plea and otherwise unblemished record. The tribunal said her behaviour was a “serious breach of acceptable standards”.

Margaret ‘Jean’ Warburton, who bought the house, is outraged at the penalty, saying it was just one per cent of her own $250,000 loss on the property. Warburton said Mansell was the “biggest winner” from a “pathetic” system.

However, the Real Estate Authority said the verdict was a triumph and sent a “clear message” in a difficult, unique case in which the REA had worried it might not be able to secure any punishment at all.