PHOTO: Pets in your unit for Christmas? You bet!

Pet owners rejoice! Fresh laws by the NSW Government will put an end to a blanket ban on animals in apartment blocks, meaning unit owners can still have their furry friend with them.

While the current lockdown has highlighted the importance of pets in providing companionship within families, fresh laws by the NSW Government will herald a new era for strata living.

The laws will hasten the desire of downsizing families moving into apartments with their pets.


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Recent studies show two out of five Australians share their home with a dog, and heavens knows how many have cats. Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, with 61 per cent of households including a pet in their family, and 91 per cent of households owning a pet at some point in their lives.

The new laws put an end to blanket bans on animals in apartment blocks. Existing by-laws which unreasonably prohibit the keeping of an animal in an apartment will have no force or effect in strata blocks. The changes follow a review of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 by the dog-loving Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson. He rightly suggested the new laws reflected broad community sentiment.

Around 60 per cent of households have a pet.

Around 60 per cent of households have a pet.