Property News – Real Estate News.™ is about sharing all things real estate and property in New Zealand (and a bit of Australia and International too). Instead of viewing a multitude of news sites to find out the very latest property news – simply come here. Each day, many times a day, every day we update the site to ensure we have your property and real estate news in one handy place. All the real estate news and property news comes from a variety of property news sites whom do a superb job. We simply refer/ link you to their sites and we make no claim to their material.
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The Copyright Act. The Property Noise Group – is committed to acknowledging the original source:a) We link news articles to the source via URL link
b) We add Photo source
The Copyright Act specifies certain circumstances where you can use all or a substantial part of a copyright work without the copyright owner’s permission. These exceptions from infringement include the “fair dealing” exceptions.
1/ Permission not needed if using less than a “substantial part”
You don’t need to get permission to use an insubstantial part of a work. Infringement only occurs when a whole work or a “substantial” part of a work is copied or used in a way that is reserved to the copyright owner.
2/ A fair dealing with a work (other than a photograph), for the purpose of reporting current events, requires “sufficient acknowledgement” unless the reporting is by means of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme.
3/ A fair dealing with a work for the purpose of criticism or review does not infringe copyright, as long as there is “sufficient acknowledgement”. This generally means
that the author (not the copyright owner) and the title of the work, are acknowledged.
SOURCE: INFORMATION SHEET (Fair dealing) – January 2009. Copyright Council of New Zealand