Jacinda Ardern

PHOTO: The giant letters are roughly 40 metres in length and took seven hours to mow. 

A farmer has turned his paddock into an elaborate farewell message for Jacinda Ardern after she resigned as Prime Minister.

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Vegetable grower Rodney Ng owns a farm under a flight path into Auckland and decided to make the most of this by mowing the pun “end of an error” into one of his paddocks.

The giant letters are roughly 40 metres in length and took seven hours to mow.

Ng told Daily Mail Australia he decided to create the sign because of the “immense pressure” farmers are under from the new regulations introduced under Ardern’s government.

Jacinda Ardern

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Ng, 40, said one example is the Government’s plan to introduce a levy on livestock methane gases.

The scheme was in response to advice from the Climate Change Commission and aims to reduce emissions while ensuring New Zealand’s produce remains competitive on the international market.

Ng told the Daily Mail the regulations are putting a strain on farmers and their mental health.

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“The mental health of many New Zealand farmers has been a big concern over the last few years,” he told the outlet. “We’re under a lot of pressure with increasing regulations and new legislations.”

Ng posted a video of the giant sign being mowed on his Tik Tok page with the caption: “Hey Cindy, the farmers of NZ would like to wish you all the best!”

New Zealand leafy greens grower Rodney Ng has marked the end of Jacinda Ardern's prime ministership with a giant send-off

New Zealand leafy greens grower Rodney Ng has marked the end of Jacinda Ardern’s prime ministership with a giant send-off

Mr Ng, who is a third-generation farmer, said he hoped his cheeky message would give people a laugh

Mr Ng, who is a third-generation farmer, said he hoped his cheeky message would give people a laugh

“We had our ups and downs, we don’t agree on a heck of a lot but that’s water under the bridge,” he added. “We can all celebrate now. You were one of a kind, that’s for sure.”

The post has garnered more than 2000 likes and nearly 100 comments, many of which are positive.

“Love your work,” one person said, while another called it “awesome”.

Ardern resigned last Thursday in an emotional press conference where she said she no longer has enough in the tank for a second term.

She said being Prime Minister was the “greatest honour of my life” but it was time for her to step down.

“With holding such a privileged role comes responsibility, including the responsibility to know when you’re the right person to lead, and also when you’re not,” she said.

“I have given my absolute all to being Prime Minister but it has also taken a lot out of me. You cannot and should not do the job unless you have a full tank, plus a bit in reserve for those unplanned and unexpected challenges that inevitably come along.

“Having reflected over summer I know I no longer have that bit extra in the tank to do the job justice. It’s that simple.”