First-home buyers

PHOTO:THE-DOMINION-POST Properties for first-home buyers are in short supply in Wellington, and the couple who seem likely to have lost their apartment say they are unlikely to want to sign up another one that is tenanted.

A tenant’s refusal to budge has meant a Wellington couple are likely to lose their first-home purchase — a two-bedroom apartment with a sale-and-purchase agreement that was due to be settled last Friday, May 15.

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The tenant, who has lived in the apartment for 16 years and pays an ultra-low rental of $220 a week, was given 90 days notice that the property would need to be vacated by settlement date.

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But the tenant has invoked the rental freeze introduced by the government during lockdown Level 4 that says he cannot be issued with an eviction notice till June 26, which means he could remain there potentially till the end of October (90 days after receiving the second notice). Or longer, should the government decide to extend the freeze.

“He’s legally allowed to hold us all to ransom,” say Jo and John*, whose lawyer has requested they remain anonymous. “It’s like he has been given a golden ticket to have it all his own way.