Passive House


PHOTO: CHRISTEL YARDLEY/STUFF Ross Brown of eHaus has just completed this soon-to-be-certified Passive House for a young Hamilton family in Hamilton. The 100 square-metre house has three bedrooms.

There’s an assumption that going down the sustainable route is simply too tough for first-home owners.

But the young owners of this brand new about-to-be certified Passive House in Hillcrest, Hamilton have proved otherwise.

They wanted their home to have a very small carbon footprint, despite the fact that were trying to bring the budget down to allow a Homestart grant.

It turned out it wasn’t possible to go quite that low, mainly because they were building their own house, not buying an existing property. “We did look some existing houses in our price range, but were disappointed in them,” says one of the owners. “And we didn’t want to be in a builder’s development. We wanted to know what went into our house, and build it suit our needs.”