PHOTO: Marnie Williams and Honor Steinbeck just bought a block of land in the outer Perth suburb of Baldivis. (ABC News: Rhiannon Shine)
Marnie Williams and Honor Steinbeck had planned to start looking for a block of land sometime next year, until enticements too good to refuse rapidly accelerated their plans.
Key points:
- Government stimulus has led to a spike in land sales
- But some are worried it risks house price slumps and negative equity
- Perth house prices have plunged 12.3 per cent since 2015
The dangled carrots came in the form of $25,000 from the Federal Government and then another $20,000 from the West Australian government.
Suddenly, blocks of land in the couple’s desired estate in the semi-rural suburb of Baldivis, around 45 kilometres south of Perth, were being snapped up fast.
“When we saw everyone out there on the weekend, we thought we’d better get it now and not wait,” Ms Steinbeck said.
“I think we got the last one that is being built in the particular area we wanted,” Ms Williams said.