Carlie Eve

PHOTO:  Carlie Eve

Or does it need some more sunscreen? Property, it’s a New Zealand love affair that has created a lot of wealth over recent years in the residential market for Kiwis but what’s been happening where the big guns play in the listed market. Who better to ask than Mint’s property portfolio manager Carlie Eve

Carlie, before we look at how the property market has been going tell us a little bit about yourself, the role you have at Mint and what you do in your spare time.

My role at Mint includes managing the listed property funds and researching the property, building, retail and consumer sectors. I have been at Mint for over 13 years now, with the earlier part of my career spent at Goldman Sachs JBWere, GE Capital (London) and Kiwi Property Group.

I have two teenage children who keep me busy outside of work.

Looking at property, it has had an incredible run over the past few years, much like domestic equities, however the last 12 months have been stellar.  What have been the key contributors to the performance and what’s driving the sector?