PHOTO: Hutton & Hutton

Although some agencies are moving away from having a shopfront window, Hutton & Hutton (H & H) has no plans to part with its own.

A debate has been sparked about the relevancy of a real estate shop window after UrbanX CEO Dan Argent questioned its effectiveness.

He told Real Estate Business that computer screens and phones are the new shop window.

“You have to be where the eyeballs are,” Mr Argent said. “As a real estate business, you are a marketing business first and an agent second.”

Although many agencies are utilising online portals to get their listings in front of people, H & H CEO Peter Hutton sees his shop windows as a billboard to the broader community.

“When you step into a deli, you expect to see the cabinet full of meats and cheeses… if the cabinet is empty, you’re working off a piece of paper,” he said.