Trump V Biden

PHOTO: Biden, Trump spar over Social Security, Medicare in presidential debate. CNBC

Jon Stewart’s Post-Debate Analysis: “We Just Watched What You Just Watched”

Jon Stewart returned to his iconic Daily Show seat for a special post-debate live show on Thursday night. Visibly shell-shocked, Stewart opened with a candid reflection: “We just watched what you just watched.” This set the tone for an evening of sharp analysis and biting humor aimed at the recent presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Pre-Debate Expectations: A Comedic Perspective

Stewart kicked off his commentary by addressing the pre-debate expectations set by pundits. Donald Trump’s bar was humorously low: “Can’t you just pretend to be normal for 90 minutes?” Stewart likened this advice to what one might say to their parents when introducing a new partner: “Can you not talk about January 6 and please don’t do your Asian voice!”

Joe Biden, on the other hand, had a slightly higher bar: “Stay alert, stay engaged and stay awake,” or as another commentator put it, “remain upright.” Stewart quipped, “You know, I may be mistaken, but I believe those are the same qualifications needed to be scarecrow. Tonight the president must show our country that he can keep our corn safe.”

The Debate Format: Time Constraints and Their Impact

Stewart also poked fun at the format of the CNN debate, where each candidate was given two minutes to respond to a question and one minute for rebuttals. “Basically, time constraints that would winnow out anything of interest or substance,” Stewart noted, lamenting the lack of depth in the responses due to the restrictive timing.

Analyzing Biden’s Performance: A Series of Stumbles

Turning his focus to the candidates’ performances, Stewart was critical of both. Regarding Biden, Stewart shared clips of the President stumbling through sentences and standing silently with his mouth open. “OK, a high-pressure situation!” Stewart conceded, but couldn’t resist pointing out, “A lot of people have resting 25th amendment face.”

Stewart further commented on Biden’s lack of preparation for being on camera, questioning, “While Biden was preparing at Camp David for a week, did anyone mention he would also be on camera?”

Trump’s Performance: “Failing the Asshole Test”

Stewart didn’t spare Trump either. He remarked that Trump “does not appear to have passed the asshole test” and criticized Trump’s unfounded claims about Biden’s presidency being the worst in US history. “Just so we’re all clear, everything that Donald Trump said in that clip is a lie,” Stewart asserted, emphasizing the deceptive nature of Trump’s statements.

Debate Setup: A Call for Substance Over Spectacle

In a broader critique of the debate setup, Stewart expressed frustration with the format that seemed to prioritize put-downs and burns over substantive discussion. “Who came up with these dumbass rules? And why would any of these people agree to them?” he wondered, highlighting the absurdity of the debate’s structure.

Addressing Conspiracy Theories: Stewart’s Sarcastic Solution

Stewart also addressed the conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and Republicans that Biden would take stimulant drugs before the debates. Stewart sarcastically suggested, “Both of these men should be using performance-enhancing drugs. As much of it as they can get, as many times a day as their bodies can allow it.”

He concluded with a blunt reflection on the surreal nature of the political landscape: “If performance-enhancing drugs will improve their lucidity, their ability to solve problems – and, in one of the candidate’s cases, improve their truthfulness, morality and malignant narcissism – then suppository away!”

Stewart closed his segment with a wistful comment on the state of politics: “Because this cannot be real life. It just can’t.”