

PHOTO:  Gregg Marsland and Lisa Gray – Ray White Whangarei 

With the objective of putting home ownership within reach of more New Zealanders, KiwiBuild Whangarei launched in May 2019 to the eager anticipation of many.

The properties (three completed homes and seven in development) were proudly launched to the market by Gregg Marsland and Lisa Gray from Ray White Whangarei who had over 40 hopeful purchasers through the first open day – and even pre-inspection offers (made off the plans) on the homes.

“Buyer interest piqued early in the marketing with several offers prior to the first open homes, record attendance at open homes and such a diverse pool of interested buyers,” said Lisa Gray.

“Our first purchasers were a young couple in their twenties struggling to get on the property ladder – who settled in four weeks on their new three bedroom home. Over 90% of the homes sold in the first four months of marketing, with the final sale completed in October – just seven months after they launched, and with several people missing out on the property.”