PHOTO: Jacinda Adern – FILE
The shock that the Left are facing as they suddenly appreciate that Adrian Orr has not in fact been creating money to loan to the Government at 0% interest to rebuild the desperately needed infrastructure and underfunded public services and welfare system with, but that it’s actually going to corporate banks to feed property speculation is still taking its time to sink in.
We were all so grateful to Jacinda for saving us from Covid, we just assumed this extra cash was for that.
The banks are laughing all the way to themselves.
Jacinda’s NeoKindness is aimed at making the speculative property class feel richer.
Labour are actually advocating trickle down by flooding the market with cheap money so banks lend out to more speculators who feel wealthy enough on paper to spend on economic activity that supposedly helps the little people.
It’s just so outrageous!