Justice Hinton

PHOTO:STUFF-CO-NZ Justice Hinton.

A man and two women who were in a polyamorous relationship are now in a court battle over a property where they lived for 15 years.

The relationship was the subject of the first ever judgment on polyamory and the Property (Relationships) Act, which was released on Friday.

According to the judgement, Lilach and Brett Paul married in February 1998.

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The following year Lilach met Fiona Mead and in 2002 the three formed a polyamorous relationship.

Polyamory is the practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all the people involved.

In November 2002, the trio moved into a four-hectare property in Kumeu in Auckland’s northwest. The farm was purchased in Mead’s name for $533,000.

In 2017, it had a QV of $2.175 million.

For the next 15 years, the trio lived together at the farm. For the most part they shared the same bed, the judgment said.

Throughout the relationship, Mead worked as a vet and Brett established a paintball business on the property.

The Pauls also had a lawnmowing business.