Marilyn Monroe

PHOTO: Marilyn Monroe. ELLE

The current owners of Marilyn Monroe’s last residence in Brentwood, Los Angeles, are pursuing legal action to demolish the 1929-built house. Previously, the city council had unanimously considered granting historic-cultural monument status to the property, a move that halted the demolition plans of the current owners, Brinah Milstein and Roy Bank. According to reports from the LA Times, the couple recently filed a lawsuit against the city of Los Angeles, asserting their right to demolish the structure and contesting its eligibility for monument status.

Milstein and Bank, who also own a nearby property, intended to expand their estate when they purchased Monroe’s former Spanish Colonial home in August for $8.35 million. Their attorney, Peter C. Sheridan, accused the city of employing a biased process to secure their desired outcome rather than conducting a fair evaluation, as reported by the New York Times.

aerial view of Marilyn Monroes home in September 2024 with green tinged swimming pool red tiled roof

An aerial shot of the property taken in September 2023. Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images

The lawsuit argues that extensive alterations made to the home since Monroe’s tenure have erased any tangible connections to her residency. Allegedly, there is no remaining physical evidence of Monroe’s presence, such as furniture, paint chips, or carpets. In contrast, the city’s application for historic monument status contends that most changes occurred before Monroe lived there. Original features like casement windows, beamed ceilings, and terra-cotta tiles still exist, underscoring the significance of the property during Monroe’s independent period.

Despite the legal dispute, Milstein and Bank have proposed relocating the house with the support of the Brentwood Community Council and Authentic Brands Group, which manages Monroe’s estate. Their aim is to preserve the home’s legacy while accommodating public access without disturbing the neighborhood’s privacy.

The iconic Los Angeles residence of Marilyn Monroe is currently undergoing demolition