Private sales

PHOTO: Kristen O’Meara says she had people calling her late at night and showing up at her house unexpectedly. Source: 1 NEWS

As the housing market continues to heat up, more people are turning to private sales.

Selling or buying a house privately could mean more money in seller’s pockets but it’s not always an easy option.

For Kristen O’Meara, selling her house without a real estate agent was a bigger job than she expected.

“There are people who would ring in the middle of the night, come to your door and ask if they can come through and look at the house… people that waste your time,” O’Meara told 1 NEWS.

And when it came to negotiating a price, she said it was difficult to say no.

“It’s hard telling people your offer isn’t quite good enough, you felt like you were letting down people – a lot more personal than an agent.