housing deal

PHOTO: Nanaia Mahuta revealed the aim of the funding. Photo credit: Getty

A $40 million partnership between the Government and Māori is set to get more Kiwi families into homes amid New Zealand’s growing housing crisis.

On Thursday the Government announced $900 million in funding from their 2020 Budget to support whānau, hapū and iwi deal with the fall-out of COVID-19.

This included a trades training fund for Māori, funding for Whānau Ora Commissioning Agencies, funding for the ongoing teaching of te reo, and housing innovation.

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On Saturday Associate Minister for Housing Nanaia Mahuta announced the housing partnership aims to “get more whānau into warm, dry and secure accommodation”.

“We are partnering with Māori and iwi to respond to the growing housing crisis in the wake of COVID-19,” she says.

“Since the COVID-19 alert levels were put in place we’ve needed to stay home to save lives. For many whānau the security that a home provides was simply lacking, with many sleeping rough, living in overcrowded accommodation or in insecure housing situations.”

She says the funding will build on $40 million committed over four years in the 2019 Budget and will enable iwi and Māori housing providers to create homes and jobs for those in need.