Mortgage lending

PHOTO: Mortgage lending is the the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) to predict what will happen to the property market in the coming months. FILE

This data tracks new mortgages granted to different borrower types, such as first home buyers or investors, each month.

Fergs Coffee
The December 2022 total was $2.81 billion (35.4%) lower than the figure reported in December 2021 and some $4.531 billion (46.9%) lower than the mammoth $9.652 billion in December 2020 – which is the second biggest month on record, beaten only by the nearly $10.5 billion advanced in the heady days of March 2021.
Previous years: Monthly:
Dec 2020 Dec 2021 Aug 2022 Sep 2022 Oct 2022 Nov 2022 Dec 2022
Total lending ($million)
All borrower types 9,652 7,931 5,413 5,135 5,582 6,055 5,121
First home buyers 1,686 1,562 1,124 1,064 1,219 1,357 1,110
Other owner-occupiers 5,452 4,978 3,320 3,207 3,379 3,656 3,020
Investors 2,436 1,310 905 809 904 957 913
Business purposes 78 81 63 55 80 84 78
Higher than 80% LVR lending ($million)
All borrower types 887 667 439 463 501 567 470
First home buyers 640 499 340 349 381 440 369
Other owner-occupiers 236 165 95 107 110 121 95
Investors 9 4 3 7 8 6 7
Business purposes 2 0 1 0 2 1 0
Less than or equal to 80% LVR lending ($million)
All borrower types 8,765 7,263 4,973 4,672 5,081 5,488 4,650
First home buyers 1,046 1,063 784 715 838 918 741
Other owner-occupiers 5,217 4,813 3,225 3,100 3,269 3,536 2,926
Investors 2,428 1,306 902 802 896 951 906
Business purposes 75 81 62 55 79 83 78
MEMO ITEM: Lending to investors ($million)
Total lending 2,436 1,310 905 809 904 957 913
Higher than 70% LVR lending 820 156 146 116 170 157 168
Less than or equal to 70% LVR lending 1,617 1,154 760 693 733 800 744
Higher than 60% LVR lending 1,584 437 320 280 326 339 332
Less than or equal to 60% LVR lending 852 873 585 529 578 618 580