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PHOTO: Geoff Simmons on The AM Show. Credits: Video – The AM Show; Images – Getty/file/The AM Show

Remember The Opportunities Party? The political upstarts led by the foul-mouthed economist with the moustache who hated cats?

They’re back for another go at Parliament, but this time under the leadership of an improv comedian who also happens to be an economist too, Geoff Simmons.

“We’ve transitioned now from a one-man-band to a sustainable movement,” Simmons told The AM Show on Thursday. “We’re a movement now and we’re carrying on.”

Former leader and money-man Gareth Morgan quit the party in 2019, and has feuded with them ever since. In June last year he called the party “losers”, “degenerates” and a “group of grovelling, compromising political aspirants”. In response, the party shared a tweet calling him “socially retarded” and uploaded an animated gif of an old man shouting “get off my lawn”.

The ties are so severed, Simmons told The AM Show they don’t even have a policy on cats.

“That was Gareth’s pet thing, excuse the pun.”