Andrew King


PHOTO: Andrew King. Photo credit: The AM Show. He said the NZPIF can help out struggling landlords with budgeting so their houses don’t end up being featured in future Reddit threads like this one.

If you’ve never had to share a house with bees, count yourself lucky.

Kiwis have posted on Reddit about their horror renting stories, including one house in Tasman which had a hive in the walls “which the landlord was aware of the entire time”.

“He wouldn’t do anything about it,” said Reddit user observeandinteract, then got angry when they called an exterminator in themselves and sent him the bill.

The purge didn’t work, so “we just lived with the bees”, they said.

Another user said the back half of their house fell off the “loose bricks” it was sitting on “because the ivy growing in the walls basically got too big”.

One landlord apparently didn’t want to fork out for “proper wiring”, so “drilled two massive holes in the floor and ran an extension cord through it and under the floor”.

Other horror stories

  • One person’s flat was so bad, MP Gareth Hughes “turned up once to have a poke around and see what living in a shitty flat is like”.
  • “Earthworms coming out of a hole in the wall, ceiling covered in mould.”
  • “Mushrooms growing on the bedroom ceiling. They were literally the first thing I saw when I woke up every morning.”
  • “Literal waterfall from the ceiling due to holes in the roof. Landlord sent her son around to patch it up with duct tape.”
  • “Hoard of feral chickens crapping everywhere.”
  • “Landlord suggested that the shower was big enough for a threesome to my, my mate and his [girlfriend] as we were doing the initial inspection.”
  • “Friend woke up in the middle of the night because his bed had fallen through the floor.”
  • “The kitchen stayed so cold we didn’t have to put the milk away.”