PHOTO: Police have moved in on a protest campsite at Mahanga Bay. Photo credit: Newshub.

Police have moved in on a protest campsite at Mahanga Bay in Wellington with a threat that those who refuse to leave will be arrested.

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A police spokesperson said the police are currently engaging with the occupiers and “encouraging them to leave”.

A Newshub reporter at the scene said both sides of Massey Road have been blocked by police and an officer said “we are staying for as along as it takes”.

A settlement of protesters has been at Mahanga Bay since the Parliament protest was shut down and after being told they were not welcome at the nearby occupation of Shelly Bay.

Police said they issued a trespass notice to the occupiers on May 24 on behalf of NIWA, which owns the land, and Land Information New Zealand.

The trespass notice took effect on the evening of May 25.

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“We have made it clear to the occupiers that they cannot stay where they are, and we expect them to have made plans to leave Mahanga Bay,” a police spokesperson said.

“We continue to work with other agencies – including Wellington City Council, NIWA and LINZ – to reach a peaceful resolution.”

Police said they have also worked to connect the occupiers with Kahungungu Whānau Services, to ensure the appropriate support is in place for those who may need it once they leave Mahanga Bay.