Jacinda Ardern

PHOTO: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is “pushing the NZ economy off a cliff”, according to an Australian pundit, who says the Government’s “draconian response” to combating the coronavirus “was questionable”.

Adam Creighton, Economics Editor of conservative newspaper The Australianwrote in a commentary piece that New Zealanders “may come to question” Ardern’s wisdom “as they fall further down the global pecking order”.

“No national leader has been as feted as Jacinda Ardern during this pandemic. But while she might have popular support, the facts are she is pushing the NZ economy off a cliff,” the Sydney-based journalist wrote.

Creighton described New Zealand’s “hard lockdown” as “the favoured pandemic solution of the left”, and appeared to find it ironic that Ardern’s “star has only risen” despite “shutting practically all business” during the lockdown.

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Newshub’s latest poll showed nine-in-ten New Zealanders backed the Government’s call to put the country into lockdown, while Ardern’s personal popularity as leader skyrocketed up 14 points to 56.5 percent.

Former National Party leader Simon Bridges slammed the Government for extending the lockdown in a Facebook post in April and was highly criticised in the comment section.