David Parker

PHOTO: David Parker | Resource Management Act (RMA)

The first draft of the key legislation, the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA), has been released and will now go through two rounds of public consultation.

It is called an “exposure draft” and will be put out for public feedback, that will help to influence the final version.

Environment Minister David Parker said holding an initial select committee inquiry was a “novel way” to provide a platform for the public to have an early say on the legislation.

A second select committee process will be held when the full bill is introduced to Parliament.

“This is a once in a generation opportunity to get this right, so we want to make sure we do get it right,” Parker said.


The Natural and Built Environments Act would include a mandatory requirement for the environment minister to set environmental limits to protect ecological integrity and human health. According to briefing papers, the legislation would also set up a National Planning Framework “to support the well-being of present generations, without compromising the well-being of future generations”.
