Trade Me


PHOTO: TOM PULLAR-STRECKER/STUFF Trade Me spokeswoman Millie Silvester says racist listings were rare and the vast majority of ‘flatmates wanted’ listings raised no concerns.

Trade Me flatmate listings advertising no pets, smokers or Indians, has been called “straight out racist”.

The website has changed the wording of two listings, one in Rotorua and another in Christchurch.

Trade Me received two complaints about a Rotorua listing in Springfield, and a Christchurch listing in Wigram received three complaints, the company said.

Trade Me spokeswoman Millie Silvester these kind of listings were rare, and the vast majority of ‘flatmates wanted’ listings raised no concerns.

“Flatmates wanted ads are tricky, under the Human Rights Act you are allowed to be very specific about who you want to live with. For instance a young woman can say she wants a 25-30 year old female flatmate,” Silvester said.

