
PHOTO: Impact of coronavirus

Real estate agents across Australia have started to feel the effects of the coronavirus on their businesses.

Real estate trainer Tom Panos turned to Facebook this week to ask his followers if the virus had impacted them.

Many have been lucky, and it has been business as usual, but many shared the impact it has had already.

“I have had two clients put their purchases on hold this week,” Christian Stevens wrote.

“We had our main buyers for a property both made redundant at their shipping company, so they had to pull out of the sale,” Bridget Kemp said.

Terry Cooper has not had his work disrupted, saying he has had good numbers at open homes and stable buyer and seller activity.

But it is a different story for Sunny Gandhi, who has had a drop in the number of people going through open homes.

The latest update from the Australian Department of Health from 10 March reported there are 100 confirmed cases of the virus in Australia, and it has caused three deaths.

As an attempt to reduce the spread, the Australian government has travel bans in place for China, Iran, South Korea and Italy.

“The aim of these measures is to slow the importation of COVID-19 cases into Australia to enable preparatory measures to continue and to enable a public health response to the initial cases,” a release from the Prime Minister’s office stated.