PHOTO: REINZ Chief Executive Jen Baird
The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), released their April 2024 data today, showing the market is subdued, despite nationally seeing higher sales counts, properties selling more quickly, increased stock levels, and more listings compared to a year ago.
REINZ Chief Executive Jen Baird says that the market is subdued, despite nationally seeing higher sales counts, properties selling more quickly, increased stock levels, and more listings, compared to a year ago. These increases are a contrast with the much lower measures seen in April 2023, following the impacts of weather events like cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, but are below the average for this time of year longer-term.
The full data sets are available by clicking the links below:
CLICK HERE for the April press release
CLICK HERE for the full property report
CLICK HERE to view other reports on our website