Auckland mayor candidate

PHOTO: Auckland mayor candidates. FILE

Statement: Leo Molloy (Facebook)

I’m today announcing the end of my bid to become mayor of Auckland – for now!
It’s the right thing to do for the city.
Fergs Coffee
While some aspects of my polling are still strong, there are clear trends emerging that suggest I cannot win – this time.
On that basis I will be withdrawing immediately.
I want to thank you all for your incredible support to get the campaign to this point. It has been an amazing journey, and I’ve met so many great people and made many new friends along the way.
Roll on 2025.
I’ve learnt some valuable lessons and if there’s an opportunity in three years’ time I’ll be in, boots and all.
I won’t be endorsing another mayoral candidate right now, but I may do so once I scrutinise their policies in more detail. If I do endorse it’ll be a fiscally responsible candidate – not a reckless spender.
For now, I’m going to get on with my other life as a hospo legend.
I have a new restaurant and bar to design and build, and I’m looking forward to concentrating on that.
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I thank my team for their hard work, and of course my sponsors. We did our best, but it wasn’t quite enough.
To the many battlers in the street, the hard-working, kind and generous people who backed me, supported me, and even just chatted to me…I thank you, you are the Auckland I love.
I have no regrets. It was fun, and I thank you for your incredible support.
Kind regards,
Leo ?
May be an image of 2 people, child, indoor and text that says 'Thank you! -Leo'