On July 1, 2019, all rental properties must have adequate insulation.
Tens of thousands of rental properties will not be insulated by the government”s deadline of July 1 next year, insulation companies are warning.
And that could result in a $4000 pay-day for tenants who dob them slack landlords in.
All rentals must have ceiling and under floor insulation by mid-2019 following a law change introduced by former Housing Minister Nick Smith under the last National government.
But Richard Arkinstall from the Insulation Association of New Zealand, which includes Pink Batts’ maker Tasman Insulation, said a survey of its members indicated tens of thousands of rentals would not be insulated on time.
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Landlords who fail to make the deadline could end up out of pocket.
“There’s a $4000 penalty for landlords when the provisions kick in on July 1,” Arkinstall said.
“The part that is not understood is that if the landlord is fined, that $4000 goes to the tenant.”