underground bunkers

PHOTO: The post-apocalyptic good life lives here. Picture: Supplied Source: Supplied

It’s Doomsday Preppers for the rich. The places the wealthiest among us head for when a pandemic strikes and they don’t have to sacrifice any luxurious lifestyle traits.

This is Doomsday Preppers for the ultra rich.

Where those with enough cash go to hide out when a pandemic hits, when they think the world might be coming to an end, or both. It’s bunkering down to ride out the storm in custom made shelters that come with a luxurious edge most of us could only dream of enjoying in our main residences.

Vivos xPoint in South Dakota. Picture: Supplied

Vivos xPoint in South Dakota. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Vivos xPoint in South Dakota. Picture: Supplied

Vivos xPoint in South Dakota. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

The company that makes these shelters, Vivos, claims they are “the backup plan for humanity” and that owners can “survive virtually any catastrophe” within them. In survivalist slang, it’s called “bugging out”.

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Demand for the shelters, which are available in the USA and Europe go for around $3.5 million each, is up 400 per cent this year, according to Vivos owner Robert Vicino of the in-demand underground real estate.