PHOTO: Aaron Drever talks to staff at The Fish and Chippery in Grey Lynn. A liquidator claims Drever helped negotiate the deal to buy the outlet. Photo / Supplied

According to the NZ HERALD a Crown prosecutor and senior MBIE investigator are preparing briefs of evidence from key witnesses as they build a case against struck-off real estate agent Aaron Drever, a liquidator claims.

Fergs Coffee

The investigation relates to Drever’s alleged links to a chain of Auckland fast food restaurants and the liquidation of a rich Australian businessman’s fish and chip company in May last year.

Aaron Drever

Former real estate agent Aaron Drever under investigation

A liquidator’s report published on the Companies Office website says the investigation is progressing “with a view to bringing criminal charges” in connection with potential breaches of the Insolvency Act.

He told liquidators he thought he was buying three Fish and Chippery companies in Birkenhead, Onehunga and Grey Lynn, and claimed the deal had been arranged by Drever.

real estate agent Aaron Drever

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However, it later emerged that although a sale and purchase agreement was drawn up, it was never properly executed.

Liquidators trying to trace where Phillips’ money went claim Fish and Chippery takings appear to have been split between multiple Eftpos machines, with the money diverted into different bank accounts.

Drever – an undischarged bankrupt who lost his licence to practise real estate in 2016 for repeated misconduct – is not a listed director or shareholder of any of the companies. But he’s alleged to have been closely involved with the businesses’ operations and even spotted manning the deep fryer.

Aaron Drever

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former real estate agent

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