

According to STUFF the Tenancy Tribunal has dismissed a landlord’s request to evict her tenants, despite them being $62,238.90 behind in their rent.

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The tenants will pay the debt off at $30 a week until 2063.

According to a recently released Tenancy Tribunal decision, landlord S Yu​ wanted the tenants out of her property in Bayview on Auckland’s North Shore because of their huge rent arrears.

However, tenants Terrence Lawton​ and Suchanan Senahan​ wished to pay their debts to avoid losing their home.

They also owed $1084.99 in water bills, bringing the total debt to $63,344.33.

Adjudicator Jane Northwood​​ ruled the tenancy should continue, so long as the tenants pay off their debt off at $30 per week, on top of their weekly rent of $640.

At this rate, the debt will be paid off by September 2063, or after 2111 weekly payments taking 40 years and five months.