PHOTO: SUPPLIED The TradeMe ad for the unit said it was suitable for up to two tenants. But Auckland Council said no one should be living there.
A tiny studio “apartment” advertised for rent at $360 per week was too small to be used for housing, an investigation has found.
Auckland Council launched the probe after receiving a complaint about alleged unconsented works at the property at 3C Central Rd, Kingsland.
Staff issued abatement notices relating to the building’s usage after discovering the building was constructed as a garage and not a dwelling.
An abatement notice is a formal written direction about a compliance issue.
Auckland Council compliance investigations manager Adrian Wilson said the unitary plan required studio-style apartments to be at least 30sqm.
“As the building is under 30sqm and not classed as a dwelling it should not be occupied.”
The council had also issued the property owner with a “notice to fix”. A notice to fix is a notice informing a person about a breach of the Building Act 2004 or its regulations.