
PHOTO: A homeless man in Auckland (not pictured) has told Newshub he is living on the street after being denied entry back into his room at emergency housing facility James Liston Hostel (pictured) because he did not meet curfew. Photo credit: Getty Images / Google.

A man sleeping in an Auckland central park has made an emotional plea for him and other homeless not to be treated “like animals” during the pandemic after being barred from his residence during level 4 lockdown.

The man contacted the newsroom on Monday morning raising issues over not being allowed back into his James Liston Hostel room – where he pays rent – because he was not there when New Zealand entered level 4 lockdown.

“We sleep in the park across the road from the hostel, no clean clothes or shower and we have to wait for the lockdown to finish it could be another week.

“We are cold and hungry left outside like animals. How are we supposed to keep safe if we are outdoors?”

He explained he has been locked out with a small group of others, including two women – one who has mental health issues and a man who is an amputee.

“How is he supposed to live out here with no support?”

He said they called WINZ and were told they cannot receive assistance as they are already in transitional housing – despite not being able to access it.