Māori housing

PHOTO: Tenants’ Action Wellington wants to change, and its come up with 10 demands for landlords and property managers.

Wellington renters marched to the door of property management company Quinovic, demanding better rights for tenants.

Fergs Coffee

The protesters are calling for all landlords to treat renters more fairly, but some of their demands have been slammed by a property investor group.

The renters, who took to Wellington streets, feel ripped off and marched to demand better rights.

“We really need the New Zealand culture of renting to change, because it’s completely out of control,” said Tenant Action Wellington’s Anne Campbell.

Renter George Edwards is paying $260 a week for a cold, mouldy house and his landlord recently turned up un-announced when he had friends over.

“He decided to come and shut everything down, which was really invasive. We soon found out you’re not allowed to add clauses like no parties into your contracts.”

Tenants’ Action Wellington wants to change, and its come up with 10 demands for landlords and property managers.

Their demands include:

  • Dropping all rent prices to 25 percent of the lowest government benefit
  • Minimum tenancy contracts of five years
  • Abolishing flat inspections
  • Making landlords give a year’s notice before selling or reoccupying the house.

Demands that Property Investors’ Federation Andrew King has slammed.

“I can understand why tenants would want rents to go down, it’s not an easy situation for them at the moment – but these demands from this group are just outrageous they are not practical,” King said.

“I don’t entirely agree with all demands being made under the tenant’s action banner, but I agree with a lot of them,” said protestor Marie Russell.

The demands are aimed at all landlords and property managers, but especially Quinovic.

“Your mouldy houses make us sick, eat shit Quinovic,” protestors chanted.

Protesters marched to Quinovic’s offices, but the company said it had no contact from the group.

Quinovic declined Newshub’s request for an interview and said the demands would require changes to the law.

“Any individual landlord could implement these right now