PHOTO: Theo Koutsomihalis’s property was listed for sale for $12 million in 2018, now it’s been valued at $1 because of rezoning around the new Western Sydney airport.

In October last year, the NSW government rezoned all land around the Aerotropolis — the area surrounding the airport at Badgerys Creek.

Mr Koutsomihalis saw his 4-hectare Bringelly property transform from rural land to 100 per cent environmental land under the new zoning.

“This 100 per cent green space has rendered my property worthless,” Mr Koutsomihalis said.

“I’ve had my property officially valued and with nobody acquiring my land, it has been valued at $1 and unsaleable.”

A group of men and women stand together
Local residents say their land values have plummeted since the rezoning. (ABC News: James Carmody)