PHOTO: What’s ahead for the Australian property market in the next 10 years? (Source: Getty)

What can we expect to happen to our property markets over the next decade? That’s a common question I’m being asked.

But I think I’m disappointing them with my answers because I tend to say something like “a lot will happen over the next decade, but I don’t make forecasts – instead I have expectations.

Now there’s a big difference between forecasts and expectations. I expect there to be a recession in the next decade. But I don’t know when it will come.

I expect the property market to boom and then prices will tumble again. But I don’t know when.

I expect that some investments I will make won’t do well. But I don’t know which ones they will be.

I expect interest rates will rise. Probably not for a number of years. In fact, I don’t know when.

I expect that some investments I will make won’t do well. But I don’t know which ones they will be.

And I expect another world financial crisis. But I have no idea when it will come.

These aren’t contradictions or a cop-out

As I said, there’s a big difference between an expectation and a forecast.