PHOTO: Dan White

A record month is usually a time for great celebration.  But to post one in the middle of a global health pandemic, amid restrictions on how we operate our business, and with so much of our community experiencing health and economic hardship, reminds us of how grateful we are part of an enormously resilient industry and how blessed we are to have  so many wonderful members deeply committed to their customers.

We have just produced our best July ever.  A staggering set of sales results, across all of our markets.  Results that must give confidence to all Australians and New Zealand on the health and vibrancy of the real estate market and the value of their properties at a time of great economic uncertainty.

It’s testament to the  incredible hard work of all our members who chose to focus on the huge opportunity in the market now, rather than be distracted by media talk and speculation, and in turn delivered outstanding results for our customers.

As a combined group we sold more than $4.49 billion in unconditional sales in July 2020, which was up 33 per cent on July 2019.  Our New Zealand team posted its best month ever at $1.23 billion, a massive 52 per cent up on the same month last year.  NSW/ACT ($1.16 billion), Commercial ($200 million) and Rural ($184 million) recorded their best July results.

Over the past five months, there has been no shortage of opinions from commentators on the likely collapse of the real estate market.  As these commentators dominated media reporting, our reliance on real time data has never been more relevant. It’s this data that contributes heavily to the decision making of our agents and, in our clients each day.  Our Ray White Now document – produced weekly for the last three months – is the vehicle in which we are transparent with our customers on exactly what is happening in the market right now to ensure the best decisions are made.  We are not interested in speculating or giving baseless opinions but rather through our weekly Now document we are able to analyse the important demand and supply trends in each market and focus on the facts.