OPINION: Occasionally, a cruel colleague with a few decades on me will ask when I’m going to buckle down and work out a plan to own some property.
“I have a plan,” I reply. “I just need to murder my entire family.”
Mine is not a tale of economic woe. I’m one of the lucky ones. My parents own the home I grew up in. I’ve got an OK job and my student loan is down to four figures. I’ve never had to live in a garage. There are thousands of other Kiwi 23-year-olds who have had it much worse.
But I doubt I will ever own a home. The whole concept feels alien to me, like smoking on airplanes or free tertiary education – a relic of a bygone era. I don’t know anyone else my age who feels differently.
* First-home buyers should benefit from RB planned rules – PM
* House prices climb $3K a week, rising at fastest rate since 2004
* Rising NZ house prices fuel debt binge, and a hangover could be brewing
I recognise that this resigned fatalism is at some level a choice.