Black Estate

PHOTO:STUFF-CO-NZ Penelope Naish and Nicholas Brown of Black Estate Winery

Penelope Naish​ has a number in mind. She knows exactly how much the two-hat restaurant at her Waipara vineyard, Black Estate, needs to make in the next three months if it is to survive.

The notoriously fickle hospitality industry is facing an uphill battle after seven weeks of enforced closure, and for those like Black Estate who rely on tourists and day travellers – Waipara is an hour’s drive from central Christchurch – it’s an even steeper slope.

Don Ha

How I made my first million: The first $1m is toughest, Don Ha says.

The coronavirus pandemic has already claimed two top New Zealand winery restaurants: Elephant Hill in Hawkes Bay, and Black Estate’s neighbour Pegasus Bay, which announced last week it would not reopen.

Black Estate did think about closing, Naish said.